Somnipathy can be manifested in different ways, including difficulty in falling asleep, light sleep, difficulty in falling asleep after waking up to insomnia all night. Related symptoms are presented as headache, dizziness, forgetfulness, etc.
The treatment of somnipathy with acupuncture is based on the following theories:
It is written in the Chinese medical book “Lingshu Genjie” that : “The most important part of acupuncture treatment is to understand the regulation of Yin and Yang. Under normal circumstances, the body needs to maintain a balance of Yin and Yang during sleep. Irregularities of Yin and Yang, such as deficiency of the heart and spleen, heat caused by deficiency of yin, anxiety caused by deficiency of heart qi, restlessness of stomach qi, etc., can all lead to somnipathy. The role of acupuncture is to balance the disharmony of Yin and Yang, so as to improve the function of organs and tissues.
The reasons of insomnia: on one hand, Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity. On the other hand, prosperous Yin and deficient Yang. Acupuncture treatment of insomnia caused by Yin deficiency can supplement Yin and expel Yang. For excessive fatigue, Acupuncture can be used to supplement Yang Qi and expel Yin Qi.
Enhance immunity, resist internal and external interference
Through Acupuncture, it can strengthen the defense Qi and eliminate the influence of pathogens, which has a beneficial effect on the sleep quality. The method of tonic moxibustion is usually used to strengthen the defense Qi. Unloading and bleeding methods are used to transfer pathogens.
Promote the circulation of Qi and blood in the meridians
“Meridians” are related to organs and connected with limbs. The meridian system contains twelve main meridians, which are divided into Yang meridian and Yin meridian. Yang Meridian is located on the outer limbs and is related to six positive organs: large intestine, small intestine, Sanyinjiao, gallbladder, bladder and stomach. The Yin Meridian is located on the inner side of the limbs, which are six negative organs of lung, heart, circulation, liver, kidney and spleen. The 15 side collaterals connect the external meridians of the human body to form an interactive cycle in which Qi and blood run to maintain all the normal functions of the organs. Meridians, qi, blood and organs are closely related to each other. Insomnia may be caused by poor Qi and blood and uncoordinated viscera, which is reflected in the meridians. Acupuncture can restore the balance of the meridians, organs, Qi and blood, so as to positively affect the sleep quality.