It is normal for the elderly to weaken their bodily functions. Symptoms include loss of skin elasticity and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is caused by a lack of calcium in the bones, including symptoms of joint pain, muscle cramps, lower back pain and fractures. The X-ray image clearly shows how the bone skin is thinning and how the bone density decreases.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the reason is the imbalance of kidney energy. The kidneys control bones, teeth, scalp hair, and produce bone marrow. The lack of renal medulla and the loss of kidney energy can lead to osteoporosis.

In accordance with modern medicine, the kidney is related to osteoporosis. The effect of the kidneys on bones is manifested in the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. If the kidney function becomes weak, the absorption of calcium in the intestine will decrease. The reduction of the amount of calcium in the blood may lead to osteoporosis.

Traditional Chinese medicine points out that once the blood flow in the kidney is impaired, the absorption and utilization of calcium will be affected, leading to osteoporosis. From the perspective of modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, it has been proved that these theories are the same. In treatment, calcium supplements are mainly used in the modern medicine. While, traditional Chinese medicine starts with the restoration of the organism to maintain the function of absorption, utilize and promote the blood circulation. The first is to enhance “Nourishing Yin and tonifying kidney.” Meanwhile, acupuncture therapy therapy is used to stimulate the nerves and regulate the internal secretion system, so as to improve bone density.