Migraine is a disease that often occurs in family medical history (approximately 60% of patients). It usually starts after puberty, but rarely occurs after the age of 40.The typical symptoms of migraine are: sudden, usually pulsatile, unilateral headache, accompanied by autonomic symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Regular recurrent attacks are characteristic of migraines. The ratio of female patients is higher than that of males. It is often observed that the frequency of migraines is reduced during pregnancy and after menopause. Migraine is a very complex and predisposing disease. Meanwhile, there are countless factors that can aggravate migraines, such as pre-menstrual stress, tension, hormonal changes, taking birth control pills, weather changes, drugs, alcohol (especially red wine), and coffee. The factors also include the environmental pollution and personal living conditions, such as the way of a person coping with stress. It is obvious that migraines often occur at the beginning of weekends or holidays or after a serious decision, that is, immediately after the great stress disappears.

During an acute migraine attack, the activity of nerve cells is inhibited, which changes the condition of the blood vessels in the brain, releases inflammatory substances in the tissue, occurs inflammation in the brain around the blood vessels, and leads to a typical headache.

Although migraine is not a dangerous disease from a medical point of view, it can seriously affect a person’s life. It is limited by frequent relapses in daily and professional life. The kidneys and liver are under considerable pressure or become dependent on these drugs by taking drugs regularly in the acute phase. It is very common to develop from taking painkillers to so-called analgesic headaches.

Full pain is a typical symptom of migraine. Various syndromes such as liver-Yang deficiency, irascibility or increased liver wind, and insufficient kidney Yin may cause migraine. The difference lies in the nature, location and accompanying symptoms of pain. Because it is a chronic disease, a combination of acupuncture, moxibustion and herbal medicine is very effective.

In a comprehensive dialogue between the patient and the therapist, the necessary information is collected and a treatment plan is formulated. The purpose is to reduce symptoms and decrease the frequency of migraine attacks. In order to obtain the best therapeutic effect, the active cooperation of patients is very important, that is, close observation of triggers, such as diary or avoiding triggering factors.

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