Japanese medical experts have found that when the sympathetic nervous system (autonomic nervous system) is intensely stimulated due to tension, adrenaline secretion, etc., blood sugar levels and high blood pressure will rise a lot. It can also develop into the inflammation of stomach and digestive disorders.
Laughing stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which is positive, relaxes the muscles of the whole body, stabilizes blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and is also able to relieve stomach pain. Laughter is good for the immune system and nervousness.
Here are some tips: you may find strange at first, but it will become part of your early morning activities over time.
Everyone knows that laughter is good for health, but it is often difficult to find something ridiculous. You can consciously stimulate the laughing muscles. Smile in front of the mirror for 3-5 minutes after washing in the morning and evening. If possible, repeat it during the day. (For example, with a small mirror) A little smile occasionally will have a good positive effect. This method is suitable for men, women and children…..